Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Less than 8 Weeks!

It seems that every time I come back to my blog, I'm catching up! Much has happened since I last wrote. Life has been split between joy and grief. Someone once said that the two most stressful events in life are getting married and experiencing a death in the family. I have both at one time. I wonder at God's timing, but know it is perfect at the same time. The upcoming passing of my grandmother is in no way tarnishing my upcoming marriage, yet, I am blessed to be able to take some time to focus more on my grandmother and family, than on myself.

With that said, I'm going to go ahead and talk about myself for a minute. Over the past few weeks, I've had my first shower with all my current family and new family! It was an AMAZING time to be with the women in my life. Not only do I come from an amazing and large family, but so does Hans. We also both have a great legacy of marriage. I've been feeling like Hans and I are overly blessed (if there is such a thing).

Me and My Wonderful Grandmother.

This is the pitcher my mom gave me. It was one of my favorite gifts!

This is the first time my bridesmaids and I have been together. (left to right - Sister-in-law Rachel, Sister-in-law Julie, Sister Heidi, soon to be sister-in-law Anna)

The other exciting event lately is that Hans and I just rented our first apartment! Hans is moving in this weekend and I'll be moving in after the wedding. Although, I'll be using the apartment to store all of our gifts. It's a great apartment on the corner of 4th and Park, right across from the lagoon. We can't wait to have you all over. For the time being though, here are a few pictures.

This is Hans in our new bedroom.

And here I am making imaginary dinner in our new kitchen!

1 comment:

Chanda Erselius said...

Sorry to hear about your grandma. After going through that this past January I understand how difficult losing a grandparent can be. I will be praying for you and your family. On a lighter note, congrats on the new place! I am excited to have you back in LB and just a bike ride away.