Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Day In the Sunshine

So Stokke's, you've just won yourself a day off, what are you going to do??!?!?!

We're going to DISNEYLAND!!!

It was a perfect day for it too. The weather was perfect, there were no lines, and we like each other a lot. Made for a pretty good combo.Toy Story, the ride/game is our new favorite. It combines our two loves: Rides and competitive spirit. Hans won.
This toad did not turn into a prince, so I'll just stick with Hans. ;)
So serious for two people about to spin and laugh deliriously in a tiny teacup.
Hans' strength was no match for the pink teacup. My head almost exploded.
"Fat guy in a little coat". Tall man in a tiny pink teacup. Such silliness.

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