Friday, June 17, 2011

Bali Part I

Ok ok, I know we got back 2 weeks ago, but the lady has things to do! But I've finally transferred, cut down and edited a few photos for your viewing pleasure. Now keep in mind that I was busy enjoying my trip, so I didn't get a pic of everything under the sun, but just the things that really delighted me (which was mostly Hans and myself, little narcissistic, I think).

Here's Hans relaxing on one of the beds at Ku De Ta. We literally bathed in the sun while people served us snacks and delicious drinks. (Hans' favorite was a vanilla bean lime cooler, and I liked the sparkling lime!)

This is Hans kissing me right before we watched the SILLIEST dance performance we've ever seen. I didn't realize twitching was dancing, but apparently to the Balinese it's a very traditional twitching dance with importance to their culture. But Hans and I realized quickly that we just aren't the "cultured" type. The show was shaping up to be more than 2 hours, so we slipped out at about 45 minutes and giggled all the way back to the hotel.

Here we are on the scooter! This was right after a very UN-Mexican Mexican meal in Ubud. Hans was an expert driver, and trust me, it took skill to avoid cars, pedestrians, other scooters, stray dogs, giant potholes, monkeys, bats and etc. But we stayed alive, although Hans probably still has my nail marks in his stomach from my clinching him during our haring time on the bike.

I just loved this display, so colorful! This was right across the street from our favorite eatery in Ubud, called Kafe (really original, I know). They had the best sandwiches, burgers, snack plates and drinks!

Here I am lounging near the pool at our hotel in Seminyak, waiting for our driver to take us to Tanah Lot (the temple that's in the water, see below)

Ooh, so pretty, right? This temple really was cool. You can't go in it unless you're Hindu, but it's very enjoyable from the shore. You can walk up to this little pool where they'll sprinkle you with "holy water", which I believe costs money and has very little "holy" in it. But we sat up on the cliff and watched the sunset behind Tanah Lot while we ate plantain chips and had watermelon juice.

Bali Part II will be coming soon, scouts honor! I hope you're a little jealous, because you should be, it was magical and I really am missing it these days.


Heidi Stokke said...

Lovely! Thanks for sharing darlin'.

Molly Swanson said...

can you two be any cooler??!!! can't wait for part 2
(i was so excited you left a comment on my blog, i just had to leave one on yours)